Why “Less is More” with Medical Grade Cosmetic Products

Providers preparing for a skin consultation in North Myrtle Beach

When it comes to your skincare routine, how do you know how much product is enough? When caring for your skin, more isn’t always better! Sometimes… it can just be more. If too much product is applied, it can do more harm than good. For example, an excess of one product can clog pores and cause the skin to break out. Not to mention the more you use it, the faster you go through it! Skincare products are not cheap. However, using too little is also an issue! Finding the middle ground is where you’ll get the results you are after.


Cleansers are important for removing makeup, sweat, dirt, and toxins. The amount needed to do this is about a dime-size! A cleanser should be chosen that is specifically formulated for your skin type! Whether that be oily, combination, sensitive, dry, normal, acne-prone, etc. Options for cleaners include gel, foam, cream, cream to foam, as well as gel to foam. Cleanse twice a day for optimal results.


Serums are needed for a variety of different reasons. Some serums combat the signs of aging, while others hydrate, improve texture, or improve the appearance of discoloration. Less is more when applying these products; only a few drops are needed. Most medical grade serums are highly concentrated, so using a small amount is best! These are most effective when used after cleansing.

Eye Creams

Certain concerns such as fine lines or dark circles around the eyes are treated with eye creams! These products are usually gentle enough to penetrate the delicate skin around the eyes. Since these products are used so close to the eyes and in such a sensitive area, it is best to use a small amount of any eye product. Use a lighter amount in the morning for your day and a little more at night to help the skin restore itself! Products should always be applied thinnest to thickest! 


Products that exfoliate the skin allows for a process called cellular turnover. The exfoliants remove dirt, debris, and dead skin cells to allow fresh cells to surface. These new cells provide a healthy glow! The specific product will depend on your skin type but start with a dime-sized amount! You can adjust as needed for effectiveness.


A key to keeping your skin healthy and young is the use of moisturizers! Not only for your face and neck, but all over-head to toe. This allows skin to maintain its softness and elasticity! A daily moisturizer is recommended, but again it should be selected based on your skin type! A thin layer should be spread onto the skin without feeling heavy or wasteful.

Skincare can seem like a giant process! But it doesn’t have to be. We have licensed medical estheticians who would love to help recommend the best products for your skin! We offer complimentary consultations as well as Skin Ceuticals and ZO skincare lines! 843.249.5433

As always, thank you for reading! Do not forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram! @Touchmedspa