- NO sun exposure, tanning beds, or sunless tanner for at least 2 weeks.
- MUST use a broad spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher daily at least 1 week.
- MUST stop using Clarisonic brush, Retinoids, Retinols, AHAs, BHAs, exfoliants or Hydroquinone for AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR.
- MUST stop taking antibiotics and steroids for at least 2 weeks.
The day of your treatment…
- DO NOT plan any physical activity for the day of your treatment or the next couple of days.
- DO NOT plan a social event for the day you receive your treatment, as you will probably be red and may have some swelling.
- NO sun exposure, swimming, saunas or hot tubs for at least 48 hours.
- Do not use any makeup for 24 hours unless you’re using Jane Iredale minerals.